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Zum Leben und zur Arbeit von Eugene T. Gendlin
lesen Sie gerne folgendes Interview (German)

Focusing with the Whole Body: The Bodying Person in Psychotherapy

Workshop 07. Juni – 09. Juni 2024 in Budapest

Astrid Schillings

In this workshop we will explore how Focusing with the whole Body expands classical Focusing-oriented-Therapy.  It deepens the therapeutic relationship with fresh dimensions of embodiment on the intra- as well as inter-personal level.

To help in this I will present some of the process-elements that I have developed or that emerged as relevant in the course of my work: The Body-Process Language, Relational

Em-Bodying, Grounding into Being Here, Life Living from Itself, Pendulating between “what is more” and a life situation, that needs attention.

Focusing with the Whole Body provides many trauma-prophylactic process elements  that will be shared during the workshop. We will also address emotional fatigue – especially  significant in times of crisis like Covid, war, the environmental situation etc.  Issues of self- care, organismic regulation and co-regulation will be addressed – as well as how a sense meaningful living may be traced  and carried forward   The workshop will be informed by Gendlin`s philosophy. Cases studies and other applications can be shared, if there is interest and time for that.

Astrid Schillings: Focusing came into her life in 1981, when a student of Person Centered psychology. It resonated deeply with her wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit she became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. She has been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive Body-Awareness (Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, Qi Gong, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais) It took her years to let her entry into Focusing with the Whole Body (FWB) carry forward beyond any traditional setting. She teaches – professionals, therapist and everybody interested – internationally as well as in her training centre in Cologne. She has been in ongoing conversation with Gene Gendlin on his extended understanding of the living body.


Sensing the Existential Ground in Us -
Focusing with the Whole Body (FWB) in Challenging Times 

Präsentation auf der “International Focusing Conference 2022“

Vom 22. Bis 26 . Juni 2022
in Frankreich, Lou Capitelle – Vogüé (Ardéche)



In this workshop I want to share how Focusing with the Whole Body can support us while we are confronted with the Covid pandemic, the echoes of war and the critical environmental situation. How can we stay informed and caring human beings in the face of these situations as well as supporting ourselves in our forward living every day?
Together we will turn to our conscious living human body to find fresh answers.
To help in this I will present some of the process-elements that I have developed over the course of my work: The Body-Process Language, Relational Em-Bodying, Grounding into Being Here, Life Living from Itself, Pendulating between what is more and a life situation.

Focusing with the Whole Body provides many trauma-prophylactic process elements that will be shared during the workshop. At the same time it opens an existential grounding into that what is more …

Astrid Schillings: Focusing came into her life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with her wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit she became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. She has been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive Body-Awareness (Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, Qi Gong, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais). It took her years to let her entry into Focusing With Whole Body carry forward beyond any traditional setting. She teaches - professionals, therapists and everybody interested - internationally as well as in her training centre in Cologne .She has been in ongoing conversation with Gene Gendlin on his extended understanding of the living body.

Past Workshops

Workshop - The Bodying Person in Psychotherapy (Budapest) (Juni 24 )

Focusing with the Whole Body: The Bodying Person in Psychotherapy

Workshop 07. Juni – 09. Juni 2024 in Budapest

Astrid Schillings

Sensing the Existential Ground in Us - Focusing with the Whole Body (FWB) in Challenging Times (Lou Capitelle – Vogüé Frankreich)

Sensing the Existential Ground in Us -
Focusing with the Whole Body (FWB) in Challenging Times 

Präsentation auf der “International Focusing Conference 2022“

Vom 22. Bis 26 . Juni 2022
in Frankreich, Lou Capitelle – Vogüé (Ardéche)
